Saturday, 12 July 2014

Page 15: "E-C-H-O Echo! Echo! Let's Go!"

The other day Louise said that at outsider at flag would think camp was one massive cult. It's true. The chants, call-and-response and general insider-ness of it all. Tonight, Louise was onto something.
Face paint again. I'm telling you, I've had a makeupless face for a month here. Mascara sticks are now foreign to me, but war stripes are becoming a regular.

Tonight it's for 'Owner's Cup', the annual basketball match against a nearby camp.

Pre Match: The National Anthem
Photo: From Echo's Facebook

One thing that's surprised me about America is how unsurprising this experience has felt. Probably because the food and language is in my home supermarket and TV. Owner's Cup was no different. Quintessentially American. For example, each player was introduced to the crowd via. microphone-

"Number fourteen for Echo Eagles, it's Jackson from Upper East Side! Let's give a cheer!"

And then the player (camper) would run through a balloon archway and white smoke to the court.

It bothered me that people didn't cheer on the opposing team. Even the counselors. I don't care if the kid is from another camp, these kids are fourteen. They play basketball all day. How amazing would it feel to be that kid and run on to a crowd of cheering people? That would make training worthwhile, it would be something they would remember and tell their kids someday, I'm sure. I know running to a silent but full crowd would feel horrible and awkward, at least to me, but then I never played sports competitively, maybe if I was sporty or male I'd understand it... These kids are playing an away game in front of a couple of hundred pairs of eyes they don't know. That's courage. And therefore, to me, is clapworthy.

Team spirit? You can be pro your team without being anti the other team...

Conversation with Campers-

*Lucy: Georgia! You can't cheer for them!
*Jessica: You're supposed to Lucy, it's good sportsmanship!
*Lucy: Huh?
Me: It means you support the other team but you can still cheer for your team louder :)

*Names changed, duh

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